Notice of Adoption: Official Plan

This Notice is to advise you that in accordance with Section 17(23) and 26 of the Planning
Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, 1990, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville at its meeting on May 15, 2024 has made the decision to: 

PASS BY-LAW 2024-057-OP
BEING A BY-LAW to Adopt a New Official Plan for the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville: “Re-Imagine Stouffville”

The purpose of “Re-Imagine Stouffville - Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan” (May
2024)” is to establish an Official Plan which identifies the goals, objectives and policies to
manage and direct physical change and the effects on the social, economic, built and
natural environment of the Town, in accordance with S. 16 of the Planning Act, R.S.O.
1990, c. P.13, 1990. The Official Plan describes how the Town will plan to accommodate
future growth and development and meet the needs of the community. The Plan includes
policies to build healthy and complete communities, direct growth to strategic growth areas, promote affordable housing, promote economic development, and protect agricultural and natural heritage systems.

The Official Plan applies to all lands within the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville.
All written and oral submissions received by the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville were
considered in the making of this decision. A number of submissions led to revisions to the
draft of the Official Plan. Detailed responses to submissions on the draft Official Plan were
included in Staff Reports No. DS-017-24, May 1, 2024 and DS-031-23, June 21, 2023,
which were presented to Council, prior to adoption of the Official Plan.

Currently, the approval authority for the Town’s New Official Plan is York Region. At the
time of the issuance of this notice, the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024
(Bill 185) has been introduced into legislature and is currently being considered. Should
Bill 185 receive Royal Assent, approval authority of the Town’s New Official Plan will
transfer to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) effective July 1, 2024. If
necessary, to support this transition, all correspondence received will be forwarded to the

Should you wish to receive a copy of the decision you will be required to request a copy of
the Notice of Decision from The Regional Municipality of York by email at: or by mail at: York Region Administrative Centre, Attention:
Development Services, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, ON, L3Y 6Z1

Should Bill 185 receive Royal Assent, following July 1, 2024 you should request a copy of
the Notice of Decision from the MMAH by mail at: Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing,
777 Bay Street, 17th floor, Toronto, Ontario M7A 2J3

Filing of the Appeal
The details for filing an appeal will be set out in the Notice of Decision. If passed, Bill 185
may also impact appeal rights as set out in the Planning Act.

A copy of the New Official Plan, as well as background information, is available at, or by contacting

DATED at the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville this 29th day of May, 2024.
Meaghan Craven, MCIP, RPP
Manager, Policy Planning, Development Services

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