Official Plan

The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan describes the Town's policies for how land should be used and coordinates future plans for growth.

The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan contains the land use designations and policies which establish the general pattern of development for the existing and future use of the lands in the Town. This consolidation includes the Official Plan as finally approved by the Town on September 2000 and as amended by Official Plan amendments over time. These amendments have been compiled into this Office Consolidation to form a singular document.

Sections 1 to 9 of the Consolidation contain the Official Plan Policies that are primarily applicable to the rural / agricultural area of the Town. These sections include the vision, principles and objectives as well as the schedules for this area of the Town.

Sections 10 to 13 of the Consolidation contain the Secondary Plans, which consist of detailed land use plans and policies for the communities of Stouffville and Ballantrae-Musselman Lake, the Gormley Industrial Area and the Vandorf - Preston Lake Area.

Primary Official Plan

January 2023 Office Consolidation

Schedules to the Primary Official Plan

January 2023 Office Consolidation

Secondary Plans

Gormley Industrial Secondary Plan

January 2023 Office Consolidation

Section or Schedule Section or Schedule Title
Section 10 Gormley Community Secondary Plan
Schedule A Land Use and Road Plan

Ballantrae-Musselman Lake and Environs Secondary Plan

January 2023 Office Consolidation

Section or Schedule Section or Schedule Title
Schedule 11 Ballantrae-Musselman Lake and Environs Secondary Plan
Schedule E Land Use Plan
Appendix A Natural Feature Enhancement Areas

Community of Stouffville Secondary Plan

January 2023 Office Consolidation

Vandorf-Preston Lake Secondary Plan

January 2023 Office Consolidation

Section, Schedule or Appendix Section, Schedule or Appendix Title
Section 13 Vandorf-Preston Lake Secondary Plan
Schedule G Land Use and Transportation Plan
Schedule G1 Trail System and Gateways
Schedule G2 Key Natural Heritage and Hydrological Features
Schedule G3 Landform Conservation Areas
Schedule G4 Areas of High Aquifer Vulnerability
Schedule G5 Wellhead Protection Areas
Appendix A  Street Plans

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