Heritage Initiatives>
Educational signage has been installed throughout the Jean-Baptiste Lainé Site. Learn more about the site and use an interactive map to read the various signs based on their locations.
The annual Whitchurch-Stouffville Heritage Awards recognize extraordinary efforts of individuals & businesses for conservation, adaptive reuse or built heritage restoration. Learn how to nominate a property.
Want to learn more about our heritage initiatives?
Contact us by email at wsmuseum@townofws.ca
or by phone at 905-727-8954
or 1-888-290-0337.
The museum is located at
14732 Woodbine Ave. and is
open Wednesday to Saturday,
from 10 AM - 4 PM
Visit our Facebook page @StouffvillePlay
The Commemorative Plaque Program celebrates Stouffville’s built heritage. By recognizing heritage properties, we are collectively contributing to an awareness of place and story in our community. You can now apply for a Historic Property Commemorative Plaque for a home or business to recognize its heritage value. Available to owners of both residential and/or commercial properties, this program is designed to highlight built heritage in our community.
The oval shaped plaques (16 inches by 11 inches) made of exterior grade high-pressure laminate fused with anti-UV plaques and graffiti resistant materials are both attractive and long lasting. This plaque will incorporate the name of the original builder or property owner, construction date and Town Crest. Historic Property Commemorative Plaques are $450.00 plus tax.
How to Apply:
- Complete the Historic Property Plaque Application Form
- All applications will be assessed quarterly by the Heritage Advisory Committee
- Once approved, staff will contact you with next steps
For assistance, email the museum to book a research appointment.
The Ontario Heritage Act enables municipalities to formally recognize and protect cultural heritage resources through property designation.

111 Sandiford Drive, Stouffville ON, CA
(905) 640-1900
Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or customer.service@townofws.ca for assistance.
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