Council Meetings>
Council Meetings>
The Town of Stouffville generally holds Council meetings the first and third Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 111 Sandiford Dr.
Public meetings for matters governed by the Planning Act are generally held the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m., if required, in the Council Chambers located at 111 Sandiford Dr.
Find the agendas, fact sheets and minutes for upcoming and past meetings to stay informed about all Council decisions.
While a Council meeting is in progress, you may listen live using our embedded media player. Visit the Council Meeting Live Stream to join the live stream.
Learn how you can request to speak or register as a deputation for an upcoming Council meeting.
Stay up-to-date with Council matters by visiting our Facebook page and Twitter page, where we post upcoming agendas and notices as well as live updates on Council discussions and decisions.
Subscribe to our Council e-Newsletter to get summaries of Council discussions and decisions sent to you after each meeting. We usually send out newsletters the morning after Council meetings.
We are committed to ensuring equal participation in Council meetings. There is accessible parking available at our Municipal Offices and our Council Chambers are wheelchair accessible. Assistive hearing devices are also available for use upon request. Please contact us if you require any accommodations.

111 Sandiford Drive, Stouffville ON, CA
(905) 640-1900
Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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