Development Services

The Development Services Department consists of Policy Planning, Development Planning, and Building. It administrates and oversees key aspects of the land use planning and development in the Town, through policy development, administration of engineering review, building code review, and development approvals.

Mission Statement:

"To proactively create a sustainable and vibrant community by respecting, collaborating and engaging residents and customers and providing efficient and quality professional service."

Dwayne Tapp - Commissioner of Development Services

Commissioner of Development Services
905-640-1900 or 1-855-642-8697 ext. 2431
Send Dwayne an e-mail

Laila Schell

Administrative & Project Coordinator 
905-640-1900 or 1-855-642-8697 ext. 2233
Send Laila an e-mail


Building Services

The Building Services Division is responsible for the administration of the Ontario Building Code Act and related Council approved Building By-Law. It oversees the permit application process; ensures that all other applicable laws are in compliance; issues building permits, and provides inspections for all new or renovated building construction. It also administers the issuance and approvals of permanent signs under the Town's Sign By-Law.

George Zacharakis

Chief Building Official
905-640-1900 or 1-855-642-8697 ext. 2452
Send George an e-mail

Policy Planning

The Policy Planning Division is responsible for growth management in the Town through the Town's Official Plan, Long Range Planning,  along with Population Forecasts and demographic analysis.  The Policy Planning division is also responsible to ensure that the Town's approved planning documents remain in conformity with Regional and Provincial Plans, along with providing interpretations of the Regional and Provincial plans as they relate to planning applications in the Town.

Development Planning

The Development Planning Division is responsible for managing planning and development approvals in the Town as required by the Planning Act, implementation of urban design through development approvals, maintenance and implementation of the Town's Comprehensive Zoning By-law, Cultural Heritage Resource Management and Planning, administration of the Committee of Adjustment and providing customer service for local resident/business inquiries.

Hena Kabir

Manager, Development Planning
905-640-1900 or 1-855-642-8697 ext. 2320
Send Hena an e-mail

Economic Development

The Economic Development Division provides support to the local business community and undertakes initiatives to encourage new investment and promote entrepreneurial activities in the Town. This includes encouraging the retention and expansion of existing business, attracting new industry and employment growth.

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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