Finance Services

Finance Services is responsible for financial reporting and budgets, revenue and taxation, procurement, and day-to-day financial administration.

Jeremy Harness - Commissioner of Finance & Treasurer

Commissioner of Finance & Treasurer
905-640-1900 or 1-855-642-8697 ext. 2243
Send Jeremy an e-mail

Stephanie Kumar

Administrative & Project Coordinator 
905-640-1900 or 1-855-642-8697 ext. 2332
Send Stephanie an e-mail


Financial Services

Financial Services is responsible for two core areas: accounting/financial reporting and budgets/financial planning.

Accounting matters include financial and accounting advice, audited financial statements, financial record keeping, accounts payable, banking, investing and external reporting.

Carol Brown

Manager, Accounting and Financial Reporting/Deputy Treasurer
905-640-1900 or 1-855-642-8697 ext. 2313
Send Carol an e-mail

Budget and financial planning matters include delivery of multi-year operating budget, a ten-year capital plan and developing and administering the Town’s development charges.

Marina Fung

Manager of Budgets and Financial Planning/Deputy Treasurer
905-640-1900 or 1-855-642-8697 ext. 2303
Send Marina an e-mail


The Procurement Section acts as an expert resource to both client departments and the supplier community, facilitating the acquisition of goods and services for the Town in accordance with the Procurement By-law.

Asad Chughtai

Manager, Procurement Services
905-640-1900 or 1-855-642-8697 ext. 2327
Send Asad an e-mail

Revenue and Taxation

The Revenue & Taxation Division establishes the Town's property taxation, water and revenue policies with respect to revenue, maintenance and collection. It prepares and issues property tax and water bills to all Residential, Commercial and Industrial property owners under the jurisdiction of various legislative authorities and Council policy. It is also responsible for all accounts receivables, invoicing, corporate cashiering, and the revision and processing of property assessment information received from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC).

Jennifer Brassor

Acting Manager, Revenue and Taxation
905-640-1900 or 1-855-642-8697 ext. 2238
Send Jennifer an e-mail

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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