Business Licences

The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville (“Council”) considers it advisable that such licensing, regulation, and governing take place with regard to certain businesses in the interest of health and safety and well-being of persons, and protection of persons and property, including consumer protection.

Any person who owns or operates a certain business within the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville as identified in this by-law 2022-032-LIshall be subject to all relevant regulations contained in the schedules hereinafter set out in the schedules below.

Types of Business Licences

Business Licencing- Parent By-law 2022-032-LI

New and renewing applicants must contact the Legislative Services Coordinator with completed application forms and required documents. Application forms can be found at the links below.

Short-Term Rentals

A "short-term rental" is the Use of a Dwelling Unit or part of a Dwelling Unit for temporary overnight guest accommodation for a period of not more than 28 consecutive days, and shall not include a hotel, motel, retirement home, or bed and breakfast establishment as defined by the Zoning By-Law.

Second Suites

A “Second Suite” is a self contained apartment or separate unit within a detached home including a main dwelling unit and an additional unit. “Second Suites” are not permitted in semi-detached houses, town houses, or row houses.


An establishment, operating under the authority of a valid Kennel license, for the non-medical care and grooming, keeping, breeding and raising of dogs, and may include the operation of a dog daycare centre if operated from the same Premises and location as the Kennel, but shall not include a veterinary clinic.

Tourist Camps and Trailer Camps

Land equipped with cabins used or maintained for the overnight accommodation of the public, and land used or maintained to provide accommodation for tents, mobile homes or other recreational vehicles to be occupied by the public.

Fees & Charges

For Fees or Charges for Services or Activities provided by the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, please refer to our Current Fees & Charges By-law.

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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