Development and land use>
Find all the planning applications, building permits, engineering guidelines and other requirements for development and land use in the Town of Stouffville. Learn more on the town's comprehensive zoning by-law, development planning, official plan and view the development activity map.
The permit application process has moved to electronic submissions!
Applications are now accepted by email or through the Applications and Permit Portal.
Find all planning applications, including condominium, subdivision, consents, minor variances, site plans and more.
This interactive map shows the location of all active development applications within Stouffville.
The official plan describes the town's policies for how land should be used and coordinates future plans for growth.
Learn about our engineering division, including geodetic benchmarks, standard guidelines, and site alterations.
Learn about our built heritage inventory, designated properties, and heritage guidelines, studies and reports.
Review all components of comprehensive zoning by-law 2010-001-ZO.
A list of documents, including urban design guidelines, sustainable development guidelines, and more.
Visit to learn more about our current initiatives.

111 Sandiford Drive, Stouffville ON, CA
(905) 640-1900
Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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