Development Engineering

Development Engineering oversees the administration of subdivision agreements, inclusive of inspection and assumption, administration of the site alteration by-law and clean-fill permit agreements. The department creates and updates engineering standards for Town infrastructure, oversees engineering and utility plans reviews and approvals (subdivisions/site plans), manages complaint tracking and resolution for subdivisions and prepares area network master plans for transportation, water, sanitary and storm sewers in coordination with the Engineering and Public Works Commission.

Geodetic Benchmarks

Geodetic benchmarks set the horizontal and vertical position for a specific point.  The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNRF) maintains a GIS viewer on to the Cosine website that provides benchmark details.  The Town requires that all new benchmarks set for developments within the Town boundary be approved by the MNRF to cosine standards and referenced in the MNRF GIS database.

Guidelines and drawings

Standard guidelines

Standard Guidelines contains an issue page that records the Issue date.  

Standard Drawings (Appendix A) contains a list and set of standard drawings that have been approved by the Town. The standard drawings in the list have the following: (i) Town standard drawings, (ii) Noted standard drawings from other jurisdictions, (iii) Ontario Provincial Standard Drawings (OPSD) modified by the Town and (iv) Reference to other Ontario Provincial Standard Drawings (OPSD) adopted by the Town.

Updates and disclaimer

Sections, Appendices and Standard Drawings currently in use are contained within The "Town Standards" folder. When revised, the superseded issues are moved to the Superseded sub-directories.  Changes and revisions will be made from time to time. It is the responsibility of the Developer, Development Engineer and/or Landscape Architect to obtain current versions. Any proposed corrections to these guidelines and standard drawings shall be brought to the attention of the Town.

All information on this Website is provided as a service and is given for your convenience only. The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville will not accept any responsibility for damages or expenses incurred as a result of reliance thereon. Every effort has been made to ensure the information contained is correct, however, the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville accepts no responsibility for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies. The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville reserves the right to change or modify the information without advance warning. In case of a difference between the version presented on the Website and the version of content in the Town records, the Town records shall be deemed to be correct.

Site alterations

A Site Alteration is defined as any alteration to the existing grade of land through the movement, removal or placement of Fill. Find by-law, permit and application details on our site alteration page

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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