Built Heritage Inventory

Designated Properties

Conservation Districts

Built Heritage Inventory

The Ontario Heritage Act, requires that every municipality in Ontario maintain a publicly-accessible register of properties of cultural heritage value or interest. The Town's Municipal Heritage Register, known as the Built Heritage Inventory (BHI), serves as the official record of all designated and non-designated heritage properties.

Non-designated heritage properties are often listed to: 

  • Promote knowledge of a community’s cultural heritage;
  • Provide easily accessible information for planners, property owners, developers, and the general public;
  • Provide interim protection from demolition;
  • Help identify future priorities for designations; and,
  • Document local history for posterity. 

The BHI was adopted by Town Council in 2002 and subsequently revised in 2005, 2015, and 2024. 

Built Heritage Inventory Properties

The Built Heritage Inventory includes approximately 650 heritage properties of local significance or interest across the municipality. Listings were originally nominated for their build dates: private buildings built pre-1925 and public buildings built pre-1940. Listings within the Community of Stouffville (approximately 350) contain substantial background research and a classification of evaluated value. Listings outside of the Village of Stouffville (approximately 350) were reviewed and updated in 2024. 

Removing a property from the Built Heritage Inventory

Under Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act, all non-designated heritage properties are afforded temporary protection from demolition through a 60-day notice period. Property owners looking to have their property removed from the BHI through demolition are required to submit a Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment (CHIA), along with their written request for removal.

Frequently Asked Questions

The “BHI” is the Built Heritage Inventory of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville. It is a
Municipal Heritage Register of properties of cultural heritage value or interest, and is
mandated under the Ontario Heritage Act. This document contains a list of properties designated by by-law under the Ontario Heritage Act, as well as listed non-designated properties that may have heritage value pending further assessment.

The BHI has been in effect since 2002. Since 2002, extensive archival research and property
surveys have been undertaken to create the records we have today. This work has been a
collaboration between local historians, residents, volunteers, Town staff and members of the
Town’s Heritage Advisory Committee.

A “designated property” is a property that has been designated under the Ontario Heritage
Act for its historical, design or contextual importance to the Town. Currently, there are 11
designated properties in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville including the Old Town Hall and
Clock Tower site, the Whitchurch-Stouffville Museum and other private properties.
A “listed property” is a property with potential heritage value that has not yet been fully assessed. It is listed to recognize this potential value and allow for limited protection from demolition to ensure that valuable resources are not lost without proper assessment.

Having a listed (but undesignated) property on the Built Heritage Inventory only means that
in the event that you want to demolish your house, you are required to provide a Cultural
Heritage Impact Assessment (CHIA) and 60 days’ notice period to the Town before it must
issue a decision the demolition application.

The Ontario Heritage Act provides 60 days to allow Town Staff enough time to review and
circulate the Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment, consult the Heritage Advisory Committee
for their own assessment and comments, and make a decision whether to designate the property or allow the demolition

Being on the Built Heritage Inventory will not increase your taxes.

No. Having a “listed” property on the BHI does not obligate you to do anything to your home.
It has been rated, based on its visual, historical, and contextual value to the Town, and its
development and history have been recorded at the time of the survey.

Yes. Renovations which are true to style can raise your home’s rating, or new information
relative to your property’s history could contribute to a higher rating. Similarly, a currently
misinformed historical review may have resulted in an inappropriately low rating, which may
be corrected in the future.

The Town’s Planning Staff are more than happy to speak with you regarding your property.
If you have corrections or additional information regarding your property’s history, please let
us know! The BHI is a “working” as document as it is always growing and evolving with new
information. Corrections, and new sources or leads are always welcome.

Designated properties will be disclosed at point of sale because a by-law has been registered
on tittle on the property. Listed properties are included in the Town’s municipal register
which may be conducted at the time of sale.

This information is a resource. It will help Staff process demolition permits, and it is used by
the Heritage Advisory Committee, and by the Whitchurch-Stouffville Museum in their research. The rich cultural heritage of Whitchurch-Stouffville is a civic amenity, and one that we encourage residents
and tourists alike to explore.

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or customer.service@townofws.ca for assistance.
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