Information for Vendors


In addition to the Procurement By-law, the Town of Stouffville has a Bidder Debrief and Dispute Policy and a Vendor Performance System Policy. 

Certificates and compliance requirements

Trade agreements

Vendor Performance System Program

The Town of Whitchurch Stouffville monitors vendor performance to ensure goods, services and construction managed by the Town, are delivered at best value for money in an ethical and professional manner in accordance with the terms of executed contracts.

The vendor performance evaluations help Town staff evaluate and improve the performance of all vendors during the term of the contracts and create record of performance for use by procurement services to determine the award for future procurements.

Ethical Standards for Vendors

Ethical standards for procurement in municipal government are critical to ensuring integrity, fairness, transparency, and public trust in the procurement process. While the Town maintains highest ethical standards for its staff, it expects similar ethical standards from its vendors for the bidding process and during the performance of the contracts for or on behalf of the Town. Here is an Ethical Guide for the vendors:

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

The Town of Whitchurch Stouffville Council endorsed and adopt the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association’s Certificate of Recognition (COR®) as part of the Town’s construction contract management and construction tendering process effective January 1, 2025.

Certificate of Recognition (COR®) is a comprehensive health and safety audit tool with an accredited certification program in Ontario that is granted by the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA). IHSA is the designated body for certifying contractors in Ontario’s construction industry who demonstrate their standards of health and safety management systems through a structured audit process. COR® provides validation that a contractor has demonstrated an understanding of health and safety and has made a commitment to continuous monitoring and application of its program when delivering construction activities.

The multi-phased roll-out will provide sufficient time for all contractors to incorporate the needs of the program into their business plans and health and safety program. The rollout strategy will be as follows:


Project Criteria

OHSMS Requirement

Certification Timeline




Council endorse and adopt the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association’s Certificate of Recognition (COR®) as part of the Town’s

construction contract management and construction tendering process

November 2024


>$1 M

Bid documents will include scoring for OHSMS program registration and COR® certification. OHSMS registration / certification will be a requirement for General Contractors, Construction Consultants and External Project Managers. In addition, the requirement will also be expanded to add the Major Subtrades to be registered or certified.

This requirement will be included in the prequalification document and will be scored for registration and certification.

January 2025



OHSMS Program certification will be a requirement for General Contractors, Major Sub-trades, Construction Consultants and

External Project Managers.

January 2026


Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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