By-law Enforcement is responsible for enforcing Municipal By-laws to ensure a safe, quiet and enjoyable community for all residents. We can also answer any questions or concerns relating to by-laws, animal control or other enforcement issues.
Our By-law Enforcement Officers investigate such things as noise complaints, property standards issues, littering and dumping, parking and other matters.
Contact us>
Contact our officers for by-law enforcement matters by phone or email.
If the matter is not urgent, please contact our team during our regular business hours:
Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Weekends and holidays: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For speeding/moving violations, contact York Regional Police (non-emergencies only).
Find a list of frequently referenced by-laws, such as fireworks, fill, dumping and property standards.
Our team of dedicated Animal Services officers help protect you, your pets, your livestock and wildlife.
Learn about on-street parking, paying or appealing a ticket, and how to apply for parking permits.
Review application requirements for a temporary sign permit to promote a new business or a special event.

111 Sandiford Drive, Stouffville ON, CA
(905) 640-1900
Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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