Parking Permits

In the Town of Stouffville, you can apply for a variety of parking permits, including for parking lots and on-street parking spots.

On-street parking

As a Stouffville resident, you can get a on-street parking permit 12 times per year if you need to park on a street for longer than three hours or for overnight guests.

Each vehicle licence plate can get up to 12 permits per year.


You cannot park on the street during winter road maintenance activities, such as snow clearing or road salting. If you order an on-street parking permit during winter road maintenance activities, the permit will be void.

Parking lots

You can purchase daily lot permits, weekly lot permits and monthly parking lot permits.

If the Town has a special event in any of our parking lots, permit holders for that lot will need to relocate to another parking lot. We will notify permit holders prior to an event taking place.

Permits cannot be used for commercial vehicles, boats, trailers, school buses, or recreational vehicles. 

Lot locations

You can purchase a parking lot permit at the following lots:

Parking lot expiration

Daily parking lot permits expire on the same day at 11:59 p.m. Weekly parking lot permits expire seven days after purchase at 11:59 p.m.

Parking Permits

Review our parking permit rules and regulations:

  • Permits are issued electronically and automatically attached to the licence plate. You don’t need to print and display your permit
  • Permits are only valid for the plate number and location on the registered permit
  • Permits are non-refundable and non-transferable
  • Permits may be revoked or cancelled when necessary for the following reasons: To ensure public safety; when the permit was obtained through the submission of false, misleading or fraudulent information; or when the permit's vehicle has an expired validation sticker
  • Permits cannot be used for non-plated vehicles
  • Permits will not be issued for vehicles with outstanding Town of Stouffville parking infractions
  • Permits cannot be used for commercial vehicles, boats and trailers, school buses or recreational vehicles

For a complete list of rules and regulations, view our Parking By-law.



For questions on parking permits and parking lots permits, please contact us at 905-640-1900 or 1-855-642-8697 ext. 2229.

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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