Windrow Clearing

The Town provides a windrow snow clearing service to seniors and physically challenged residents where there is no able-bodied person living in the household at no cost. The snow windrow is the snow bank left across your driveway by the snowplow.

Windrow Removal General Information
  • The Town reserves the right to determine when the driveway windrow snow cleaning and the plowing and/or sanding of the Town sidewalk may be performed. Windrow clearing may take place up to 12 hours after the road snow clearing ends.
  • The center portion (one car width) of the windrow will be cleared at the end of the driveway.
  • The windrow service does not include the clearing of the remainder of the snow from private approaches to residence or driveways or the windrow left by the sidewalk plow.
  • Obstructions and/or encroachments located on Municipal (Town) property which may interfere with the cleaning of the driveway windrow snow and the plowing/sanding of the Municipal (Town) sidewalk must be removed.
  • The house number must be visible and illuminated.
  • The Town is not responsible for any damage.

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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