Water Quality

At the Town of Stouffville, we have a variety of policies and plans in place to ensure that our water quality meets health, safety and environmental standards. Review our policies, water quality reports and plans to learn more about the efforts we are making to provide high quality water in our community.

Water quality testing and reports

We regularly test water samples to ensure the quality of our drinking water. Learn more about water quality in York Region and view our annual water quality reports:

You can also view the Minister's Annual Report on Drinking Water for an overview of Ontario's drinking water systems' performance.

Lead testing

As required by Ontario Regulation 170-03, Stouffville tests the Stouffville water distribution system and the Ballantrae/Musselman’s Lake water distribution system twice per year for lead. The Ontario Drinking Water Standard for lead is 0.010 milligram per litre. Water with lead content below this Standard is not a health hazard.

If you think your home might have lead plumbing, please contact a plumber. If you think you might be connected to a lead service line, please contact us.

Sodium in drinking water

York Region has reported average sodium levels of 35 mg/L in the Stouffville system. This is slightly higher than the normal level of 20 mg/L of sodium outlined by the Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards.

Sodium in the Ballantrae/Musselman's Lake drinking water system is reported at 9 mg/L which does not exceed the Drinking Water Quality Standard.

If you have any concerns about sodium levels in your water, please contact us.

Low water pressure

If low water pressure is affecting all your water fixtures and you have a water softener or filtration system, set it to bypass and then check your water pressure again. If your water pressure resumes while your water softener or filtration system is set to bypass please contact your water softener provider. If this does not resolve the problem, please contact the Engineering and Public Works Commission.

If your water pressure is low at one fixture, remove the faucet aerator (located at the tip of the faucet) and rinse the screen. If this does not resolve the problem, contact a plumber.

Private water systems

According to our Water Use By-law, you cannot have a connection between the Town water supply service and private water services, such as:

  • Wells
  • Cisterns
  • Private pressure pumps

Door-to-door water treatment device sales

The Town does not sell or endorse water treatment equipment. You may encounter sales representatives from private companies selling water treatment devices and claiming to work for the Town. They may ask to conduct a water test inside your house using aggressive sales tactics and make claims that the water testing and filtration system is mandatory.

Any Town staff who may need to visit your home will always properly identify themselves with a Town of Stouffville ID badge or uniforms. We will also provide notices and information in the local newspapers and on our website identifying any contractors working on behalf of the Town.

Please contact York Regional Police at 1-866-876-5423 to report misrepresentation of Town staff or aggressive sales tactics.

Water quality policies and plans

Review the various policies and plans that help us manage water quality and maintain sustainable water systems.

Operational Plan

Our Operational Plan addresses the goals in our Quality Management System Policy as required by the provincial Drinking Water Quality Management Standard. The Operational Plan documents our quality management system for our municipal water systems.

Financial Plan

Our Financial Plan is a long-term strategy to ensure that our drinking water systems are financially sustainable.

Licences and permits

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or customer.service@townofws.ca for assistance.
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