Apply for a pre-consultation

The Planning Act permits municipalities to require an applicant to consult with the municipality prior to submitting Planning Act applications. The Planning Pre-Consultation By-law was enacted in 2009 and is compulsory for the applicants to consult with Town staff in order to identify and discuss major challenges or constraints pertaining to proposed projects. The pre-consultation process provides an opportunity for Town Staff - in consultation with the applicant - to clarify the information and materials that the applicant may be required to submit with the planning application.

The following types of planning applications require Pre-consultation with the Town:

Official Plan Amendment
Zoning By-law Amendment
Draft Plan of Subdivision
Draft Plan of Condominium
Part Lot Control
Site Plan Control

Although not required, it is strongly encouraged to consult with the Town on Minor Variance applications.

To apply, complete the application and contact Development Planning.

See Schedule 'F' of the Town's General Fees and Charges By-law for fee information.

Collaborative Application Pre-consultation Process (CAPP)

On June 21, 2023, Council endorsed the Town’s mandatory Pre-consultation Application Process, “Collaborative Application Pre-consultation Process”, and enacted By-law 2023-080-RE.

The CAP process allows Town staff to engage in the review process allowing for effective consultation at the onset of the development review process. This process is designed to assist applicants in determining application requirements and supporting good Town-building initiatives. This process enables a more structured manner in clarifying application requirements resulting in an improved application quality, a supportive and productive working relationship between the applicant and municipality and reducing processing times for Planning Act Applications.

As of July 1, 2023, the Collaborative Application Pre-consultation Process will be required for new:

  • Official Plan Amendment Applications
  • Zoning By-law Amendment Applications
  • Site Plan Approval Applications

The CAP process includes three key phases with each phase having a purpose and start and finish date. The phased Pre-consultation approach would allow the Applicant, the Town, and other stakeholders to work collaboratively to clearly establish the requirements of submitting complete Planning Act applications, set out expectations, and establish a clear path to move forward. It is intended that a phased pre-consultation process would assist in controlling the completeness and quality of submission materials for Planning Applications which is necessary for the efficient review and approvals process, and for the Town to make decisions on Planning Act Applications within prescribed timelines as required by the Planning Act.

Details of the CAP Process can be reviewed in the Staff Report No. DS-038-23 Proposed Collaborative Application Pre-consultation and Development Application Review Process in Response to Bill 109 and can be found in the June 21, 2023 Council Agenda.

For further information, please contact the Town’s Development Services Department at 905-640-1900 ext. 2442, email us, or visit the Development Services and Planning counter located at Town Hall (111 Sandiford Drive).

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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