Site plans

In accordance with the Town's Site Plan Control By-law (2015-136-SI) , all lands in the Town are subject to Site Plan Control except the exemptions listed in the By-law. 

Site plan control is a form of development control under the Planning Act that deals with the review of the detailed design of a property to ensure that City, Regional and other agency standards and requirements are met. The process allows Town staff to review and approve development details like building location, loading and parking facilities, landscaping, grading and servicing.

Development subject to site plan control cannot proceed until site plan approval is granted. Upon approval of the plans, the owner and the Town enter into a site plan agreement that contractually binds the owner to develop and maintain a site in accordance with the approved plans and the terms of the agreement.

To apply contact Development Planning.

See Schedule 'F' of the  Town's General Fees and Charges By-law for fee information. 

Oak Ridges Moraine site plans

In 2001 the Province of Ontario passed the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP). All proposed development within 120m of a Key Natural Heritage Feature as identified in the ORMCP are required to submit a Site Plan Application in accordance with the Site Plan Control By-law (2015-136-SI), submit a Natural Heritage Evaluation and/or Hydrological Evaluation and enter into Site Plan Agreement to ensure that the proposed development is in conformity with the ORMCP.

To apply contact Development Planning.

See Schedule 'F' of the Town's General Fees and Charges By-law for fee information.

Heritage site plans

The development of single residential dwellings and/or accessory buildings and structures may be subject to a scoped Site Plan Approval process and letter of undertaking for properties located within the Heritage Area of the Community of Stouffville. Proposed residential development (house additions including porches, new or expansion of existing garage, new accessory buildings including sheds) greater than 21 square metres (226 square feet) in areas within the Heritage Area of the Community of Stouffville in accordance with the Site Plan Control By-law (2015-136-SI) will require a Residential Site Plan Application.

To apply contact Development Planning.

See Schedule 'F' of the Town's General Fees and Charges By-law for fee information.

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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