Frequently Referenced By-laws


Frequently referenced by-laws

Fees & Charges By-law The fees & Charges By-law establishes fees or charges for services or activities provided by the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Fees & Charges By-Law
Administrative Monetary Penalty System The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville utilizes the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) for multiple municipal By-law violations. These include, parking, noise and short-term rentals. AMPS By-law
Animal Control Patrol services are performed by the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and all animals are impounded at the Pickering Shelter, 1688 Highway 7 Brougham ON L0H 1A0. For further information about animal services, please contact 1-855-898-8605.

Animal Services By-law

Animal Services Page

Clean Yards The Town uses complaint-based enforcement. All information is kept confidential.

Clean Yards By-Law

Dumping How to report the illegal dumping of garbage on roads and highways depends on the jurisdiction the road falls under.  For dumping on Highway 48, contact the Ministry of Transportation at 1-800-268-4686. On regional roads, call York Region at 905-830-4444 ext. 75200.  For Town maintained roads, contact Customer Service at (905) 640-1900 or use the Report Form.  For any questions, please call Customer Service at (905) 640-1900.
Dumping By-Law
Fill Normal gardening practices such as top soil, mulch etc. would not fall under the Fill By-law. Anything beyond this requires a fill permit from the Engineering Department. Fill By-Law
Fire Routes No parking of vehicles shall be permitted within fire routes. This By-law provides for the removal and impounding of any vehicle parked or left along any of the fire routes at the expense of the owner of the vehicle. Fire Route By-Law
Please check with the Municipal Law Enforcement Division before discharging firearms for the purpose of hunting, trapping or target shooting. Discharge of Firearms and Hunting By-law
Fires and
Open Air Burning
Fire and open air burning is permitted with a burn permit from the Fire & Emergency Services Department.  Visit Fire and Emergency Services for more details. Burning, Open Air By-law
Fireworks Discharging fireworks around Victoria Day and/or Canada Day requires a permit from the Fire & Emergency Services Department. Fireworks By-law
Graffiti Report graffiti to Municipal By-Law using our graffiti report online form.  
Licensing  The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville considers it advisable that such licensing, regulation, and governing take place with regard to certain businesses in the interest of health and safety and well-being of persons, and protection of persons and property, including consumer protection. Licensing By-law
Noise The Town's Noise By-law regulates noise nuisances and prohibits any person from causing or permitting the emission of such noises. For exemptions, please download and submit the Noise Exemption Application Form. Noise By-law
Motorized Snow Vehicles Motorized snow vehicles are not permitted in any public park or cemetery. Motorizes Snow Vehicles By-law
Occupancy Occupancy by-laws prohibit or regulate occupancy on public highways and other public lands within the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Occupancy By-law
Parking The Town uses proactive and complaint-based parking enforcement.  Visit Parking for more information.  Parking By-law
Property Standards The Town uses complaint-based enforcement. All information is kept confidential. Property Standards By-law
Public Nuisance Prohibits and abates public nuisances on public land or in public buildings within the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville. Public Nuisance By-law
Short-term Rentals  STR is the use of a Dwelling Unit or part of a Dwelling Unit for temporary overnight Guest accommodation for a period of not more than 28 consecutive days, and shall not include a hotel, motel, retirement home, or garden suite as defined by the Zoning by-law. Every Owner operating STRs shall Licence the STR with the Legislative Services Coordinator pursuant to the Licensing By-law. Short-term Rentals By-law
Signs - Portable/Temporary Temporary sign permits are issued for special event advertising and/or mobile signs.  View the Temporary Sign Permits Page  for more information. Signs (Portable Signs) By-law

Other frequently referenced by-laws

View a full list of Stouffville's most frequently referenced by-laws.

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