Deck & Porch Permits

If you want to add a deck or porch to your house that is more than 600 mm above the ground in the Town of Stouffville, you need to apply for a permit.

Apply for a permit

To apply for a permit to build a deck or porch, please submit the following forms and plans to the Building Services counter located in our Municipal Offices at 111 Sandiford Dr.


You need to include the following plans in your application package:

  • A site plan identifying the location of the existing building and the proposed deck or porch, including all setback dimensions to property lines
  • Details of footings, including footing size, spacing, depth, height above grade, and frost protection details
  • Sizes and locations of all columns
  • Sizes, locations, and spans of all beams
  • Stair construction details, including height and depth of stair treads and headroom above stairs, where applicable
  • Guard construction details, including information about openings and climbability, and the location of the grade with respect to stairways, landings, and edges of the proposed platform.

Permit cost

$1.75 per square foot
  • Note: a minimum permit fee of $215 applies

We accept cash, cheque or debit for fee payments.

Building and Planning Counter
111 Sandiford Drive, Stouffville ON
(905) 640-1900

Decks that don't require a permit

If you are building a wooden deck that is less than 600 mm above ground, you don’t need a building permit. However, you still need to call Ontario One Call before you dig and get approval from:

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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