Demolition Permit

You need a demolition permit if you have plans to demolish a building in the Town of Stouffville. This includes demolishing an existing house to construct a new house.

Apply for a permit

To apply for a demolition permit, please submit a Building Permit Application Form along with an Applicable Law Checklist. In your application, you need to identify the building(s) you want to demolish and include a site plan prepared using a current survey.

Please bring your application and other required documentation to the Building Services counter located in our Municipal Offices at 111 Sandiford Dr.

Permit cost

$0.40 per square foot
  • up to a maximum of $1,000
  • Note: a minimum permit fee of $215 applies

We accept cash, cheque or debit for fee payments.

Building and Planning Counter
111 Sandiford Drive, Stouffville ON
(905) 640-1900

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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