Official plan amendments

An Official Plan Amendment Application is a formal request to change (amend) the Official Plan. The Whitchurch-Stouffville Official Plan is a long range land use policy document prepared under the Ontario Planning Act. It outlines Whitchurch-Stouffville's goals, objectives and policies designed to manage growth and development in the entire Municipality on a broad level.

An Official Plan Amendment may have the effect of changing a land use designation contained in the mapping, modifying the text or policy of the Official Plan, or both.

Privately initiated amendments are generally discouraged where possible. However, if an Official Plan Amendment is pursued, the applicant must provide sufficient justification as to why the amendment should proceed. Under certain circumstances planning applications may only be considered at the time of an Official Plan review.

To apply contact Development Planning.

See Schedule 'F' of the Town's General Fees and Charges By-law for fee information.

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