Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF)

The Town of Stouffville and the Government of Canada are working in partnership to support the development of more housing units in the community.

The Town of Stouffville has been awarded $8 million in funding from the Federal Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) in support of the National Housing Strategy administered by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). This funding will support additional housing units in Stouffville through seven (7) local HAF initiatives and other associated projects, while creating and supporting long-term systemic changes.

The following Housing Accelerator Fund initiatives will be completed by the Town:

To increase the supply of affordable housing near transit.

What will this do?
Inclusionary Zoning will prescribe a percentage of affordable housing units to be located in close proximity to the Stouffville GO Station and Old Elm GO Station.  This will ensure affordable housing options are available to residents of all income levels to support housing diversity and inclusivity.

To monitor and track development applications, the Town’s growth and how it is meeting its targets

What will this do?
This software will integrate with the Town’s planning and building processing and monitoring software and geographic information systems to allow staff to monitor, track and report on population, employment and housing trends across the Town.  It will provide ‘real-time’ insights for data-collection to assist with recommendations and decision-making on how the Town will grow.  This software will support the Town’s efforts to assist with streamlining the development approvals process.

To review and update the Town’s parking policies and regulations to determine appropriate parking reductions for medium and high-density development applications.

What will this do?
Reducing parking requirements can encourage more density and better optimize land to help increase housing supply, which can promote more units closer to transit, reduce car dependency and help boost affordability.

To help incentivize the rapid deployment of market and affordable housing supply in the Town.  This will include financial and non-financial grants/incentives to create a range of housing types including affordable housing.

What will this do?
The Affordable Housing CIP will support the creation of a toolbox of incentives and programs to encourage both market and affordable housing development at a faster pace.  It will contribute to creating a broader range of housing within the Town, and will support the development of missing middle housing and gentle infill in existing neighbourhoods.

This study will determine how to fit house-scale buildings in a variety of forms of multiplexes and low-rise apartments into existing residential neighbourhoods.  It will support increasing housing supply for the missing middle, increase density, address housing supply gaps while encouraging walkability to local amenities and public transit.  It will include a review of areas within the Town that will be appropriate for permitting up to four (4) residential units per property.

What will this do?
This study will support reducing barriers to expanding the housing supply for the missing middle.  This will contribute to higher density living along with walkability and community connectivity to transit and amenities.

The Town plans to develop a new streamlined process to fast-track site plan approval applications to remove duplication and redundancies in the current site plan application approval process.  This will focus on projects that include affordable and purpose-built rental housing units.

What will this do?
Streamlining the site plan approval process for affordable and purpose-built rental applications will help to expedite the supply of much needed housing with additional focus on creating units the provide a range of supply in the Town.

The Town will review its existing servicing capacity allocation policies and regulations to determine appropriate timelines for developers/builders to maintain their service allocation approval from the Town.  This will include a servicing allocation revoking by-law for developments that are not proceeding with development in a timely manner, after receiving planning approvals.

What will this do?
This will ensure developments are completed in a timely manner while encouraging the development of vacant, underdeveloped or idle land with approved servicing allocation to increase housing supply in the Town.

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or customer.service@townofws.ca for assistance.
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