Hosting an event

If you’re looking to host a public event at the Town of Stouffville, you need to apply for a Special Event Permit. Review the application process and find resources to help you plan and run a safe and successful event.

Apply for a Special Event Permit

Please complete the Special Event Application Form and email it to We will let you know if your preferred event date and site are available for booking.

Events serving alcohol

The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville’s Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP) promotes the health and safety of all participants at events where a Special Occasion Permit (SOP) is in place.

If your event will be serving alcohol, you need to submit a Special Occasion Permit (SOP) Application to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO):

  • 30 days before the event if there will less than 5,000 attendees
  • 60 days before the event if there will be more than 5,000 attendees

Events with a Special Occasion Permit must also complete and submit the WSFES Data Collection for SOP Form.

Facility rentals

Explore the different facility rentals available in Stouffville and find the perfect venue for your upcoming event. Whether you’re hosting a family reunion, shower, picnic or large festival, we have a facility that wills meet your needs.

Planning your event

The Town has created a comprehensive event planning guide that has all your need-to-knows in one place. 

Before starting your permit application, please review our community festival and events policy to understand our event hosting guidelines.

All food vendors must review and comply with the WSFES fire safety bulletin.

Accessible formats available upon request. Contact 905-640-1900 or for assistance.
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